Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Confessional Round Two


I confess that...

As much as I LOVE my job, I am dreading the end of my summer! Band camp starts for the high school I teach at on Monday.
We have two weeks of band camp followed by one week of percussion camp. Then I would have a week off before school starts, BUT because of my vice presidency at CSU, I have to move onto campus a week earlier than the rest of the students.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids and coworkers, I LOVE band, and I am THRILLED about being CSU's VP... BUT this has all cut my summer 4 weeks short!
Did I mention that I have had one of the BEST summers of my life? Well, I have. It just cannot be ending already!!!

I am a little very scared about school this semester. I am going to have SO much going on with work and student government. Not to mention, my two favorite professors are not returning to CSU... Ahhh!!! Oh, and my student government advisor, the Dean of Students (who I loved), is not coming back either.
I was hit with all of this over the past few weeks, and I'm not going to lie, I almost had a panic attack! It is my junior year and I feel like I am having to start all over again. However, I am SO glad they all didn't decide to get up and leave right before my senior year!
I just hope that my grades stay where they are. I am a straight-A student, and it is important to me that I continue to be one. Bring on the stress :) I am superwoman!

I can't believe I am halfway done at CSU! The past two years have went by so fast. I have a strange feeling that the next two are going to move even faster. I wish time would slow down a little bit, I still have not figured out what exactly is going to come next in life. Do I go straight to law school? Which law school? Do I take a few years off for an internship or a
job? What kind, and where at? I have NO clue about what to do yet. The scary part? I need to be almost positive about what im going to do this time next year. It feels just like yesterday that u was saying "I have 3 years to figure that out!" the time to decide will be here before I know it, when it comes I hope I am ready!

Whew! That felt good to release!
Have anything you want to confess?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for true friends.

I was at the beach with my mom today, and I was talking to her about what great friends I have.
They really are the best, ever.
They are ALWAYS there. No matter what.
I love them. :)

That's what I am thankful for today!

Oh, and there were a few people that I didn't have good photos with.
Sad day, but I still love you just the same.
You know who you are. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Night Time Thanks.

I am an extremely blessed person.
In fact, when I look at my life... I have no reason to complain about anything.
So why do I? Why do any of us?

I am spoiled. That is what I am. And, I think that most of us are.

It's all about perspective.
Instead of focusing on what you don't have... focus on what's right in front of you.
That is what I am going to do for this Thankful Thursday.

I am extremely comfortable right now.
I am thankful that I experience this comfort every single night.

I am in my room. My room, that I do not have to share.
I am lying on my sleep number bed, underneath the covers.
Yes, underneath the covers... Why? 

Because, even though it is blazing hot outside,
my home is nicely air conditioned... and my ceiling fan is on.

I am also wearing my favorite pajama pants! They are yellow and pink. :)

I am typing this post on my MacBook, and my wireless connection is excellent.

I am watching HGTV on my television.
It is set on a sleep timer so that it will turn off on it's own after I fall asleep.

After I finish this post I am going to curl up with my body pillow.
It is so comfy, I love it.

My cat, Tom, is already curled up asleep at my feet. :)
I should be in dream land soon myself!

I am thankful for all of this.
This is what is in front of me right now.
What is there to worry about? :)

What are you thankful for today?

Friday, July 8, 2011


In light of recent events, maybe I should start a new friday tradition...


I Confess that...

Over the past three weeks I have eaten three rolls of raw sugar cookie dough... and have enjoyed every bite :).

I love One Tree Hill so much that after watching all of the seasons by myself, I re-watched them all with my mom. I introduced them to my sister this week and have stayed up with her nearly all night, every night, watching them for the third time... and have enjoyed every episode just as much as the first time :).

I sing/talk to myself when I go down water slides (in an inner-tube) alone. I have every since I can remember... and I did it today at Boomerang Bay :).

That is all I can bring myself to confess for now...  
Have anything you want to share?